
91 days and counting

Day one of my current cycle was 1st December last year. Today is the first day of March which makes me 91 days into this current cycle. The cycle which refuses to end. Now I know I have PCOS this shouldn't surprise me, and yet it still does. I had decided 90 days was the… Continue reading 91 days and counting


The rule, not the exception

Another week in February, another week of infertility. I've been on an information gathering mission recently and came across a bunch of things regarding liquorice root and white peony for PCOS. I found this study 'Licorice roots reduces serum testosterone in healthy women'. I'll give anything a whirl, so I ordered some liquorice root and since… Continue reading The rule, not the exception


The last 74 days

This is an extremely overdue post. Christmas has come and gone and we are already approaching mid-February. I haven't blogged as I have tried to switch off for a while from the trying to conceive journey. It's not that I haven't been thinking about it, I don't think its something I can ever not at… Continue reading The last 74 days