

I haven't written for weeks. I couldn't. Something truly miraculous happened. Several weeks ago I was just feeling really off, I had a big night out planned so decided to take a pregnancy test to rule that out before giving way to too many glasses of wine. Sam didn't want me to, he thought I… Continue reading Announcement


Late night sobbing

Sam and I were chatting last night about a couple we know and how the husband has a new job. Sam asked me a question about them (I can't even remember what) but I responded with, 'oh that won't matter as she will be on maternity leave by then'. The comment stung  in my throat… Continue reading Late night sobbing


91 days and counting

Day one of my current cycle was 1st December last year. Today is the first day of March which makes me 91 days into this current cycle. The cycle which refuses to end. Now I know I have PCOS this shouldn't surprise me, and yet it still does. I had decided 90 days was the… Continue reading 91 days and counting


When your brother and his wife announce they are expecting

About an hour a go my brother FaceTimed me. He, like me is a Brit living in North America too, but two plane rides away. My brother and I have a good relationship and I get on extremely well with his wife. It's not unusual for them to FaceTime me at the weekend, as they… Continue reading When your brother and his wife announce they are expecting


Footsteps for Fertility Foundation

I've just been looking up more about IVF online to get my head around exactly what it is and the procedure as that is more than likely the route Sam and I will be going down when we move back to the UK. During this research I came across this fantastic non-profit called 'Footsteps for… Continue reading Footsteps for Fertility Foundation


The rule, not the exception

Another week in February, another week of infertility. I've been on an information gathering mission recently and came across a bunch of things regarding liquorice root and white peony for PCOS. I found this study 'Licorice roots reduces serum testosterone in healthy women'. I'll give anything a whirl, so I ordered some liquorice root and since… Continue reading The rule, not the exception


A dedication to Sam

Sam and I don't really do Valentines day. We never have. There are card exchanges, usually (this year Sam gave me a Christmas card he found in the drawer...and they say romance is dead?!) but not flowers, teddy bears or over-priced restaurants. I'm fine with that, I definitely am a romantic, but I appreciate everything… Continue reading A dedication to Sam


The last 74 days

This is an extremely overdue post. Christmas has come and gone and we are already approaching mid-February. I haven't blogged as I have tried to switch off for a while from the trying to conceive journey. It's not that I haven't been thinking about it, I don't think its something I can ever not at… Continue reading The last 74 days